Are you tired of tripping over your loose carpet every time you walk across the room? Do you want to avoid the cost of replacing your entire carpet? Our loose carpet repair services can help!
Carpets these days come in exquisite colors, designs, fabrics and textures. They also are an important part of the décor in offices, businesses as well as residences. However, carpets tend to undergo sagging and begin losing their original shine, color and stiffness with constant usage and wear and tear. As a result, they do not just look ugly but also can become a safety hazard for you and the people in your household or office.
The bubbles and bumps that develop on its surfaces can make you or anyone walking on it to trip and fall. The carpet repair process for smoothening out loose carpets is known as carpet restretching or carpet stretching. This blog describes exactly what needs to be done for fixing the loose carpets so there are no accidents. Read this blog to know more about the same:
At Supreme Cleaners, we specialize in fixing all types of carpet problems, including loose carpets. Our team of experienced technicians will come to your home or office and assess the damage to your carpet. We will then provide you with a detailed quote and a timeline for the repair.
Tools Required For The Carpet Stretching
These are the tools that you would need for carrying out the stretching for repairing loose carpets:
- Carpet knife or carpet cutter
- Double-sided tape
- Knee kicker
Our Loose Carpet Repair Services Include
One of the most common causes of loose carpets is improper installation or wear and tear over time. Our re-stretching service involves pulling the carpet taut and re-securing it to the tack strips around the perimeter of the room. This will eliminate any wrinkles or bumps in the carpet and make it look like new again.
If your loose carpet has a hole or tear, our patching service can help. We will carefully cut out the damaged area and replace it with a new piece of carpet that matches the original. This is a cost-effective solution that can save you money compared to replacing the entire carpet.
If your loose carpet has a seam that has come apart, our seaming service can help. We will carefully re-join the two pieces of carpet using a specialized seaming tape and adhesive. This will create a seamless look and prevent any further damage to your carpet.
In addition to repairing your loose carpet, we also offer professional cleaning services. Our deep cleaning process will remove dirt, stains, and odors from your carpet, leaving it looking and smelling fresh.
Don’t let a loose carpet ruin the look and feel of your home or office. Contact [company name] today to schedule your loose carpet repair service.
The Process For Repairing Loose Carpets
Identify the loose or faulty portions on the carpet
You need to begin the process by identifying the loose parts on the carpet. Any bulges, bends or bumps on the carpets. Look closely on portions with high-traffic including hallways, doorways, entrances etc. These regions of the carpet are more susceptible to have looseness.
Clear the furniture and vacuum the room
Remove all the furniture present on the carpet and move it to another room. This will help you get better access to the entire carpet and make the restretching process easier. Vacuum the whole carpet once the carpet has been cleared of all the objects and furniture. This will remove any debris and dirt particles from the carpet which can be a possible hindrance to the repairing and restretching process.
Lift the loose edges
Lift the loose edge of the carpet carefully. Use a pair of pliers to gently lift it and free it from the tack strip. Do that carefully as you may end up undoing the fibres of the carpet.
Use a knee kicker
A knee kicker comes in handy for carpets with a lot of loose areas. Position the knee kicker around 5-6 inches away from the loose corner of the carpet. Make sure to put pressure on the knee kicker using your knee. This will be useful in extending the carpet in the direction of the opposing wall.
Use carpet tape to hold the stretched carpet in place.
Once the carpet has been stretched correctly, use carpet tape or glue to tape the carpet together tightly in place. Ensure that the carpet is held together in the correct manner before gluing the sides with tape. After that, just press the carpet back lightly and smooth the corners out to take out any air bubbles.
Trim out the extra ends of the carpet
There may be some extra ends of carpet remaining after restretching the carpet. Trim them out carefully with the help of a carpet knife or cutter. Make sure not to cut the carpet too long or too short. This will give the carpet a more uniform and even appearance.
Benefits Of Carpet Stretching
These are some benefits attached to having carpet restretching:
Improves the safety factor
Everyday usage of the carpet can give rise to bumps and uneven surfaces on the carpet. If the carpet has such conditions that can cause accidents resulting in potential orthopaedic injuries. Carpet stretching can prevent any such hazards and improve the safety factor of your household.
Improving the aesthetics
An even looking carpet that is free of bumps and wrinkles adds to the overall aesthetic of the place. That will help make a positive impression of your business or residence on friends, acquaintances and stakeholders in your business.
Adds to the durability of your carpet
Carpets develop wrinkles, bumps and unsightly ripples overtime. This process primarily focuses on removing such conditions from your carpet. Opting for this process can thus also considerably add to the durability of your carpets.
Prevents replacement costs
Carpet stretching is an affordable way to iron out wrinkles and uneven surfaces present on the carpet. You need not replace the entire carpet which will cost a lot of money. Instead opt for carpet stretching which will even out the appearance in a fraction of the cost that you would spend on its replacement.
Carpet stretching is a basic process. However, such carpet repair activities are best carried out by carpet repair professionals. When you opt for professional services, you do not need to worry about the final outcome or the quality of the job. Professionals are trained to carry out these tasks with precision and caution. Do not forget to consult the carpet repair experts whenever your carpets experience bumps, mounds and looseness.